Sunday, June 16, 2013

Year in, year out

Today marks a year since my mum passed away. Never has a year felt so long and so short, broken up into different bits that have been heart-wrenching, scattered, fumbling, guilt-ridden, enlightening, fulfilling and fun.

And while a year ago I don't think I would have pictured myself being where I am right now, I think that's a true testament to how human I am and also how much has changed within me. And although I can't say the sorrow has passed or I have come to terms with anything more or less than I had a year ago, I can say that I believe my mother would have been happy knowing, hearing and seeing everything that has happened within the past year - and even more pleased to know a lot of it was because of her.

Life isn't perfect and living without a mother, even less so - but it carries on and carries you right along with it. So to the many years ahead, and the one that has just gone by, I dedicate to her and to myself - the only two people who could ever understand, appreciate and love our relationship as much as we both did.

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