Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Letting go

The past few days have been hectic, with a lot of new shit popping up in my life. It feels like I've reached a bit of a juncture - you know what I mean. There's one of those metaphorical forks in the road - pesky fucking forks - and I have to choose a path.

And in doing some reflecting (as well as reading other online blogs about general life trends/rules/love) I have come to the conclusion that I must fully let go of the past few months of my life. This is clearly a vague statement and probably seems like I'm trying to be mysterious and sexy in a desperate bid to seem interesting. I totally am.

In reality, I've just had the most tumultuous time within myself for the past month with many questions arising, emotions that have been betraying me and leading me to believe a myriad of things that were either completely created by myself or the byproduct of analysis that was completely self-indulgent and one-sided (points for using two hyphenated adjectives. I rock). And so, today I am completely letting go of the past. Not in the truly dramatic "write letters to the people you have unfinished business with and burn them in a symbolic gesture" way (although that would probably be fun and is definitely something I should consider, come to think of it...) but more in the manner of "it's in the past, it was the best of times and it is over." I've been holding on to an idealised and fantastical motion picture screenplay in my mind, trying to make sense of shit that basically isn't real and probably never will be.

And so, on this here blog, I profess that I rid myself of the past and will only hold fond memories of times gone by, but will not have expectations, place ultimatums, imagine ensuing scenarios or wreak my inner-self with havoc and sorrow over things that aren't.

Life is now and I gotta keep the fuck up.

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